Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We Shall Overcome!

As I sit here on my "throne" where I do my best thinking I'm tryna figure out a way to get out of the struggle. Anybody that knows me knows how much I wanna make it. To me making it means being able to pay my bills on time and still have excess money to give my son whatever he wants, go out with my people, save hella money and be completely happy with what I do. I mean we all have dreams of being rich and have our face all over the TV and magazines but sometimes you gotta realize God didn't have that in the plan for your life. I've always felt that I could be a star but maybe it's not meant to be. I've accepted the idea that a 9-5 is what's in store but maybe I can use that as a means to an end. Right now I'm going through the interview process for a job that could pay almost three times what I make now so I'm praying that works out so I can make it for me and everybody around me. I wanna see everybody achieve complete happiness in whatever they do because what's happiness if everybody around you is still in the struggle. So lets do what we have to in order to overcome the struggle and when we do Hooters crablegs and the first round of Yuengling is on me! "Don't be good my nigga be great" 

Monday, May 26, 2014

I'm byke!

So I've been thinking about doing a blog for a while... well another blog... I tried it a few years ago and just didn't follow through with it. Now I'm back a few years older and a lot wiser and ready to give y'all some of my thoughts. Today is Memorial Day so the first thing I wanna do is say thanks to all the men and women that gave their lives so I can be here doing this. I woke up this morning too hype that I finally have a day off from the stress of waking up at 5:30 am and going to work but that's neither here nor there. I started drinking at 8:45 and haven't stopped all day smh. I don't feel like I've accomplished a single thing but proving to myself that I can drink multiple beers and actually starting a blog which is something I guess. Ima try to use this just to get some random thoughts out and maybe post some dope stuff. But I just got my boy Irv ESPN log in since we don't have cable so let me enjoy this Heat game.